It is well known to the world that the Indian IT talent is world recognised and efficient in work.Companies like google and Microsoft were wise enough to recognise this !!
What could be more better than to have your own IT company (a small one) in India totally controlled and managed by you through the help of lawyers from day one.
As a law firm, we received many call from US, UK, Australia, Dubai, Canada and Europe, that people blindfoldedly handed over their big IT projects to freelancers or small IT companies getting tempted by the reduced costs due to foreign exchange and many other reasons become a prey of these dexterous freelancers and monstrous association of such kind of people in the form of IT companies in India.
By the time people from outside India approach us to help them in solving the dispute with these freelancers or IT companies it is too late and sometimes not even advisable to contact them again.
Thus, such a chronic and common practices evolve a new theory which dictates that people willing to hire freelancer should have there one room office in India and having entire control on the freelancer are freelancers at one place working for them which day can remotely control why are the mediums such as internet web cameras and proper audits and strong paperwork before hand.
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